What is the difference between Manual and Automation Testing?

April 18, 2024

What is the difference between Manual and Automation Testing?


Software testing is necessary as it helps in ensuring that an application runs as expected hence enhancing its dependability and user experience. Two main approaches are commonly used in this software testing field: manual testing and automation testing. When it comes to manual testing, step-by-step tests are done without the need for any scripts or tools but through human testers while for automation testing, there are scripts that can be written to perform the tasks.

While both types aim at identifying defects in software products, they contrast significantly in terms of time, scope, and execution. It is important that developers and testers know these differences so that they can select the best approach for their projects.

This blog will explore definitions and basic concepts of manual and automated testing practices, explain when each one should be applied, as well as discuss the advantages and disadvantages of them both. Furthermore, we will offer a detailed comparison of these methods and show how manual testers can move to automated systems.


Understanding Manual Testing

Manual Testing is a process whereby testers operate various functions on a given software without the use of automatic tools. This approach involves following a test plan where various test cases are executed based on this plan and noting what outcome they give compared to expectations made concerning them before proceeding to the next stage. Consequently, this enables them to experience what an end user would go through thus providing insights that could not have been discovered by an automated script.

Advantages of Manual Testing

Manual testing has many pros, including:

  • Flexibility: Testers can easily adjust their test plans based on what they find out from immediate feedback obtained through executing their tests.
  • Human insight: Automated scripts may miss visual or usability problems that are apparent to the human eye.
  • Cost-effective: Since it does not involve any initial investment for automation tools or infrastructure, manual testing is cheaper than other methods in the beginning.
  • Simpler to implement: Sometimes writing automation scripts would be overkill – for example when you have a small project or are still in the early stages; in such cases, manual testing becomes an easier alternative.

Disadvantages of Manual Testing

However, there are a few cons associated with manual testing which include;

  • Time-consuming: More time is taken since each test case has to be executed manually by testers.
  • Prone to human error: Because of factors like tiredness during the execution phase leading to inconsistent quality of tests undertaken as well as overlooking some issues etc., human beings tend to make mistakes than machines do thus making them unreliable especially where repetitive tasks need accuracy most times can’t be achieved through this type of verification alone.
  • Less efficient: It is inefficient because it cannot handle large amounts or repeatable tasks due to its inability to take advantage of the speed and repeatability inherent in automated scripts 
  • Difficult execute for large test matrices: Managing/running huge numbers of test cases can prove cumbersome and error-prone if done manually

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing refers to running tests on software products using special tools that compare expected versus actual results. These programs automate repetition in process testing defined by different scripts plus some frameworks. Specifically valuable when exact repetition is required during regression test load tests and executing complex scenarios.

Tools Used in Automation Testing

These are key tools used during automation testing.

  • Selenium: This is an excellent web browser automation tool that supports scripts written in multiple programming languages because it has features for that. It is widely used by developers who test web applications across browsers and platforms.
  • JMeter: Primarily designed for performance assessments, JMeter tests loads/stresses application capabilities. The tool can also simulate a heavy server workload to evaluate their strengths and analyze overall performance under various types of loads i.e., stress/load analysis.
  • Postman: This tool is good at API testing where testers can verify whether applications meet their intended purpose, reliability, security as well as performance. It has a user-friendly and intuitive interface for managing and running API tests.

Advantages of Automation Testing

The benefits of automated tests are as follows:

  • Efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks thus saving time and effort required during large-scale projects.
  • Accuracy: Ensures precision by continually running similar operations or functions/tests at all times.
  • Coverage: Enhances the scope and depth of tests, improving software quality.
  • Reusability: Test scripts can be used again even after minor changes have been made to other versions of this software package.

Disadvantages of Automation Testing

However, there are certain disadvantages associated with test automation too:

  • Initial Cost: Buying testing tools as well as setting up a test environment requires significant up-front investment costs.
  • Maintenance: Test scripts require regular updates to cope with changes in the application’s interface or functionality.
  • Skill Requirement: Knowledgeable staff should write scripts that need updating and maintain them thereby increasing the cost of training.
  • Limited Flexibility: It is not very effective in solving visual or user experience problems that depend on human judgment.

Key Differences Between Manual and Automation Testing

When choosing between manual and automation testing, understanding their differences in various aspects is crucial. Below is a table that compares manual testing and automation testing across key criteria:


AspectsManual TestingAutomation Testing
DefinitionTesting is conducted manually without the use of tools. Tests are based on detailed plans and human judgment.Testing involves the use of tools and scripts to execute tests, ideal for repetitive scenarios and regression cycles.
SpeedSlower, as tests are executed by human testers.Faster, as tests are run automatically, saving time.
EfficiencyLess efficient for repetitive tasks.Highly efficient for repeated execution.
AccuracyProne to human error, particularly with repetitive tasks.High accuracy as tests are performed consistently by tools.
ReliabilityVariable due to human factors; may miss bugs.Highly reliable as it reduces the risk of human error.
CostLower initial cost but potentially higher long-term due to labor.Higher initial investment in tools but lower ongoing costs.
ScopeLimited by human capacity; not suited for large volumes.Capable of handling extensive and complex test scenarios.
ScalabilityScaling up involves more testers and more time.Easily scalable; more tests can run simultaneously without additional human resources.
FlexibilityHigh flexibility in test management and response to issues.Lower flexibility; tests must be pre-defined and configured.
Setup TimeMinimal setup required; can start testing immediately.Setup can be time-consuming due to script creation and environment configuration.
FeedbackDirect and immediate feedback from testers.Feedback depends on the analysis of automated results, which may introduce delays.
ReusabilityLimited reuse of test cases; often scenario-specific.Scripts can be reused across multiple versions and configurations.
Batch ExecutionBatch testing is not feasible; tests are run sequentially.Supports batch execution, allowing simultaneous tests across different environments.
Programming KnowledgeNo programming is required; focuses on functional knowledge.Requires programming skills for writing and maintaining test scripts.
FrameworksNo frameworks are needed; relies on manual processes.Utilizes frameworks like Data-driven, Hybrid, and others to enhance efficiency.
Operating System CompatibilityLimited to tests executed on systems manually by testers.Supports testing across different OS platforms using varied tools.
Regression TestingLess effective for frequent requirement changes; may miss subsequent bugs.Ideal for regression testing due to the easy reconfiguration of scripts following changes.
Performance TestingNot feasible for performance issues like load and stress testing.Essential for performance testing using automated load and stress scenarios.


The Most Prevalent Points Where Automation / Manual Testing is Employed

Every testing scenario needs particular methods according to the goals, resources, and timeframes. Rightly deciding whether to apply manual or automation testing can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your testing plan.

Situations That Favor Manual Testing

  • Exploratory: This is about locating unknown bugs without using any script. At this level, it’s all about the tester’s gut feeling and experience.
  • Usability: To get qualitative feedback on how real users interact with the application; it is better done by hand.
  • Start-up Development Phases: In their early stages of development when features are changing frequently, they should be tested manually because there will be regular script revisions.

Scenarios That Favor Automation Testing

  • Regression: Automated tests can run often and reliably to check if recent changes to programs have affected existing functionality adversely.
  • Load Tests: Test automation becomes necessary when checking how well a system performs under heavy conditions since manual reproduction of such loads is impossible.
  • Repetitive Execution: To keep uniformity in those tasks that require repeating running of the same tests over long periods, they should be automated to save time intervals also.

Can Automation Testing Replace Manual Testing?

Automation testing provides speed benefits but also offers reliable results, especially in environments with high regression needs or where there is consistent repeated testing.  However, this is not a one-size-fits-all situation.

In complex scenarios like initial UI designs or rapidly evolving programs that we deal with require human judgment which can only be provided through the manual-based testing methodology. Hence automation may enhance and extend what manual tests can do but it cannot fully replace them. The choice between automation and manual testing should depend on specific project requirements thus combining both approaches in order to capitalize on their strengths.


In this blog post, we have drawn clear distinctions between manual versus automation testing while bringing out their respective advantages given different scenarios where these types of testing are applicable. Manual testing brings out critical inputs during exploratory and usability stages, while in regression and load testing, automation is irreplaceable due to its accuracy and effectiveness.

With the ever-increasing demand for skilled automated testers, gaining expertise in this area can greatly boost your job prospects. STAD Solution offers specialized training programs that will equip you with all the necessary skills to become an expert in automation testing.